Restructure Skin LIFT

A sterile, pyrogen-free liquid solution designed for highly hypotonic and aged skin.
It has pronounced antioxidant and metalloproteinase-inhibiting properties.

Capacity: 3x10ml


It stimulates the production of type I collagen and other ECM (extracellular matrix) components, promoting tissue densification and smoothing, for a lifting effect. It has pronounced antioxidant and metalloproteinase-inhibiting properties.


  • Stimulates fibroblast CD 40 receptors
  • Stimulates collagen synthesis (type I fibrotic collagen)
  • Promotes the production of ECM (extracellular matrix) components
  • Inhibits free radicals
  • Inhibits metalloproteinases
  • Active ingredients

    Mix of Amino Acids + DMAE: Provides the activated fibroblast with the essential support to enable the neo-formation of type I collagen, regulating the formation and size of the collagen fibrils.

    Decapeptide: Bio-stimulating properties, induces fibroblast proliferation, increasing anabolic mechanisms and the neo-synthesis of collagen I, elastin, fibronectin, and laminin.

    Glutathione: Enhances the activity of other antioxidants, oxygenates cells, detoxifies heavy metals, and eliminates free radicals.

    Hyaluronic Acid: promotes skin hydration and re-densification.

    Directions for use

    Apply generously to hypotonic areas (can be vehicle-applied).
    The treatment is performed once a week for 4 sessions, then one treatment after 10 days, followed by a 1-month waiting period. The need for an additional cycle or monthly maintenance treatments can then be assessed.
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