Acne Stop

A fragrance-free fluid, ideal for oily, comedogenic, and acne-prone skin.
Effective in ensuring rapid skin normalisation and regulating sebaceous secretion.

Capacity: 50 ml


A dermatologically active product capable of addressing the four main parameters underlying the various aesthetic-functional issues found in individuals with oily, comedogenic, and acne-prone skin. The active substances present in the product, at appropriate concentrations, have been selected for their biochemical properties and synergistic actions, for rapid normalisation of affected skin types.


  • Regulation of sebaceous secretion
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Sanitising properties
  • Antibiotic properties (natural, comparable to clindamycin)
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Keratolytic properties
  • Cellular turnover renewal
  • Comedolytic properties
  • Active ingredients

    VITAMIN B3 (NIACINAMIDE) ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PROPERTIES: Inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis, histamine release from mast cells, histamine binding to receptors, and lymphocyte transformation to the active form.

    ANTIBIOTIC PROPERTIES: Comparable to clindamycin, without creating bacterial antibiotic resistance.

    SEBOREGULATING ACTION: Inhibits lipogenesis. Promotes the restoration of the skin's superficial hydration.

    RETINAL (Cyclodextrins): Activates cellular renewal, normalises hyper-keratinisation, reduces inflammation, aids in comedone elimination, and has antibacterial properties.

    ANTI-ACNE COMPLEX: A complex based on nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) and oleanolic acid.

    OLEANOLIC ACID: Inhibits 5-alpha reductase and normalises hyperseborrhea. NDGA - Regulates cellular growth, inhibits hyperkeratosis (excessive cell accumulation on the skin surface), and reduces inflammation. Inhibits propionibacterium acnes, acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and pityrosporum ovale at 100%.

    SALICYLIC ACID: Acts as a keratolytic by selectively breaking the keratin protein chain present in corneocytes. Penetrates inflamed lesions, providing drying and antibacterial effects, and facilitates the elimination of comedones.
    Il trattamento per pelli oleose e acneiche

    ACNE è un trattamento intensivo indicato per pelli acneiche e con eccessiva secrezione sebacea.

    Le sostanze attive presenti nel prodotto ad adeguate concentrazioni, sono state selezionate in base alle loro caratteristiche bio-chimiche e la loro sinergia di azione.

    L’obiettivo è una rapida normalizzazione di queste tipologie di pelli. Sono sufficienti pochi trattamenti per ottenere un rapido miglioramento funzionale ed estetico della cute.

    Treatment for oily and acne-prone skin

    The intensive ACNE treatment is specifically indicated for acne-prone skin and excessive sebaceous secretion. The active substances present in the product, at appropriate concentrations, have been selected for their biochemical properties and synergistic actions. The goal is the rapid normalisation of affected skin types. All it takes is a few treatments to see significant functional and aesthetic improvement in the skin.